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Writer's pictureDr. George Cheriyan, DO

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Osteopathy & Myofunctional Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Osteopath Dr. George Cheriyan & Myofunctional Therapist Dr. Tammy Chaimov


As an Osteopath, my journey in healthcare has been marked by a commitment to holistic well-being. Over the years, I've witnessed the profound impact that an integrative approach can have on patients' lives.

One such collaboration that stands out is the symbiotic relationship between Osteopathy and Myofunctional Therapy.

Here are four situations where the two therapies work hand-in-hand to enhance patient outcomes.

Children with Weak Oral Muscular Structure (Low Tone): A Duo for Developmental Triumph

Children experiencing low oral muscle tone often face challenges in their overall development.

Osteopathy, with its gentle and focused manipulations, proves beneficial in addressing structural issues, including those related to the jaw.

Simultaneously, Myofunctional Therapy plays a pivotal role in strengthening oral muscles and improving speech patterns.

The combination of these therapies forms a powerful alliance, offering young patients a comprehensive approach to build a strong foundation for their overall development.

Adults with TMJD Pain: Bridging the Gap Between Manipulation & Rehabilitation

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) can cause debilitating pain and restrict jaw movement.

Osteopathic manipulations provide relief by addressing structural imbalances, promoting proper joint function.

Then, because the rehabilitation of the jaw is equally crucial, Myofunctional Therapy steps in to create a personalized plan for jaw rehabilitation - focusing on exercises and techniques that enhance muscular function and alleviate pain.

Together, the two therapies not only relieve immediate discomfort but also work towards long-term jaw health and functionality.

Chronic Congestion & Nasal Breathing: Unveiling the Power of Breath 

Patients suffering from chronic congestion often find themselves mouth breathing, which can lead to various health issues.

Osteopathy aids in resolving structural impediments that may contribute to congestion. Myofunctional Therapy teaches patients how to breathe through their noses effectively.

Together, they tackle the symptoms and provide patients with the skills to maintain clear nasal passages and promote optimal respiratory health.

Post-Tongue Release Manual Manipulation: Nurturing Healing After Myofunctional Procedures

For patients undergoing myofunctional therapy, especially those who have undergone tongue release procedures, manual manipulation becomes crucial for post-treatment care.

Osteopathy comes into play by providing gentle and targeted manipulations to ensure the surrounding structures align properly, aiding in a smoother recovery process.

This integrated care approach helps myofunctional patients to achieve optimal results and ensures that the benefits of the tongue release procedure are maximized.


The collaboration between Osteopathy and Myofunctional Therapy is a testament to the power of holistic healthcare.

By addressing structural issues through Osteopathy and complementing it with the targeted exercises and techniques of Myofunctional Therapy, patients can experience a more profound and sustained improvement in their overall well-being.

As healthcare professionals, we must continue to explore and embrace synergistic approaches that empower our patients on their journey to optimal health.

Written by Dr. George Cheriyan DO. February, 2024

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